His costumes are always all colarti, was recently seen with a two-piece costume light green and still with a red triangle bikini.
Charlotte Casiraghi however has never disdained pure shades, perfect for any situation: black and white, very often combined with one slip with fancy prints. Wearing beautiful flowery costumes that also are always trendy, amongst the most appreciated by fans is the costume worn during a holiday with her ex-boyfriend Alex Dellal.
Now that Charlotte Casiraghi is pregnant her Beach look has changed, in fact, he gave up two pieces and now prefers to wear one-piece swimsuits, preferably black, perfect for a young MOM. Other stars such as Kate Middleton and Michelle Hunziker had not and have not given up to two pieces.
Pregnancy of Charlotte Casiraghi. The Principality of Monaco is waiting for the second child. The royal baby should be born this winter by Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh, but has not yet given any official news of possible time when the second born heir.When Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh tie the knot? The two attended the social event the "dance of the rose" and it is known that those who participate will sooner or later marries. We recall here couples who after the official event have decided to get married: Caroline of Monaco and Philippe Junot, participated in dance in 1978, shortly after their participation in two weeks, they decided to marry. Same situation for Charlene and Albert of Monaco in 2008. It only remains to wait for the moment when Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh publicly announced their wedding date, which seems to now be before the birth of Royal Baby expected in November.
The life of Charlotte Casiraghi Uncle seems to be shrouded in mystery. Prince Albert had acknowledged before the wedding with Charlene Wittstock, married the July 8, 2011, the paternity of the two children. It is the small Jamiz Grace Grimaldi, born in 1992, and Alexandre Éric Grimaldi, born in 2003. Jamiz was born from a relationship with Tamara Rotolo, a california maid, and Alexander conceived by a relationship with Nicole Coste. Despite his two sons recognized hasn't had children from her life.
The Monegasque State is now in a difficult situation with regard to the issue of succession rights in relation to the same Charlotte Casiraghi. The problem arises from the uncertainty of these rights if they are to be applied to the sons of Albert II acknowledged.
Until 2002, the law laid down in Monegasque Constitution stated that only direct or legitimate sons of the last reigning Prince could aspire to the Crown of the Principality of Monaco.
In 2002 was repealed that law and was extended the right of succession to the closest relatives to the Crown regardless of gender.
In the same Act was also required a specific clause for the case of Albert II, where it was specifically stated that his legitimised sons cannot boast of any claim to the Crown unless the King decides to contract marriage with the mother.
That decision determined that Albert II, while assuming the responsibility of father didn't give a chance to the two children could aspire to the throne. Then in November 2007, Princess Caroline of Monaco became the rightful heir in direct line of succession after the ruler. The Prince of Monaco wanted to indicate Andrea Casiraghi, son of Carolina, then in the line of succession would be the second to be able to suck up to the Crown.