The 25 things you don't know about Katy Perry: the Prism popstar confesses

On the occasion of the release of his new album Prism, Katy Perry continues to be allowed to press for interviews and photo shoots: the last in order of time is an interview with Us Weekly that revealed "25 things you don't know about me".
Trivia, little secrets and some of the young pop star craze that has just turned 29 years and as a birthday gift you can enjoy the debut at number one in the rankings of his album Prism in 70 countries worldwide. A success already written, saw only single Roarha sold some 3 million copies within weeks in the United States.
In an interview with Us Weekly, among other things, Katy Perry revealed that his natural hair color is a "squirrel-Brown", which is a fanatical oral hygiene by brushing your teeth between four and six times a day and taking 26 different types of vitamin supplements. Then there is perhaps the most bizarre revelation, that firmly believe in the existence in aliens. Yes, Katy Perry has made it known that it was not at all joking when she sang her song Extra-terrestrial (ET) because he admitted to believe in their existence and have ready a ticket for a journey into space!
But the pop star has also revealed other: practice a special "transcendental meditation", has never resorted to plastic surgery (and indeed in 29 years has some need), has a teddy bear who always carries around with him, his favorite brand is Chanel and she loves chicken croquettes. Finally a confession: Katy Perry will soon be aunt!
But they missed some revelation about the new album Prism: Katy Perry confirmed that the romantic ballad Unconditionally, the official second single from the album, is his favorite track. This is a song dedicated to her current companion, singer/songwriter John Mayer, which was released a video and lyric shot videoclips London campaigns Officer (the release is expected in November).
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Paris HILTON shopping in supercar

Paris Hilton makes a visit to Barneys in New York. Then exit shop luxury stuffs in luxury on four wheels a Lexus LFA. 

It is a coupé powered by a 4.8 liter V10 from 552 Hp that reaches 325 km/h top speed. The fireball of the Japanese Coast 375,000 dollars in the basic version.

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Paris Hilton: ' I might be a little conspicuous ' says in his new song previewed on Instagram

Paris Hilton, the blonde and eccentric American heiress, is ready for "Good Time", his new album that will be released on October 1, 2013. The singer got his 15 seconds of fan video preview and writes on twitter: "it's a song so hot, sexy, cool and fun! I love her!
 paris hilton,foto | video
Paris Hilton, the blonde and eccentric American heiress, is ready for "Good Time", his new album that will be released on October 1, 2013. But singer wasn't more in the skin and he wanted to do ' a gift ' to his fans and perhaps receive approval from them. 15 seconds to load so its videos on Instagram: "Are you having a good time?/'cause I'm having a good time/And I might be a bit tipsy/But that's okay 'cause you're with me", the song simple and lightweight that does not differ much from his previous work.

In the clip the heiress is more procovante than ever, cover all his sex appeal and wearing first with a wet t-shirt, then in a bikini, then move on to a mischievous piece swimsuit. Paris is very proud of the work done and the results obtained, so much so that writes on Twitter: "it's a song so hot, sexy, cool and fun! Love her! ".

But the young woman is not only engaged in the field of music, wants to break through on all fronts. A few weeks ago has landed in Milan to present his latest collection of handbags and accessories at Mipel. The businesswoman said she could not miss the Italian event as "is a very important appointment and considered throughout the world". He then discussed in detail to the public present everything you need to know about his trademark "Paris Hilton Handbags & Accessories", born in 2005 and now has 44 stores in 40 countries (the last one was baptized this summer in Ibiza) and more than 500 corner in the world.
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The Princess wears McQueen

That, said so, it could also seem a boutade, but is nothing more than a reference to Kate Middleton's passion for la griffe Alexander McQueen
Kate Middleton, that Princess aint, but Prince's wife, Yes, for all or nearly all official occasions chose to wear Alexander McQueen creations, in spite of the linguistic coincidences and fate.

From the day of the wedding, when she enchanted the world live tv with the wedding gown that the designer label's Creative Director, Sarah Burton, had designed specifically for the Royal Wedding, Kate has often opted for the lucky brand.

From marriage onward are many official occasions-from celebrations for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, many parades and processions which must watch, until the royal baptism baby-who saw the Duchess of Cambridge in Alexander McQueen.

At this point, given that stand out on the horizon the likely marriage of Prince Harry, we have to launch a full-dress to try to guess what he will choose Kate for the next important appointment of the royal family.
We bet that will again be an Alexander McQueen. Which one? Help you to say!
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Kate Middleton, before dinner without William

The Duchess of Cambridge attended a charity gala in London, while Prince remained at home to do the babysytter George
William remained at home to babysit. And she was released. For the first official engagement since she and Prince moved to London, at the residence of Kensington Palace. So, Kate Middleton wore a gown and hosted a gala dinner of 100 Women in Hedge Funds, a charitable initiative to help people suffering from addictions. Only one day after the baptism of Prince George.

The Duchess of Cambridge has swapped the Alexander McQueen dress she wore for the ceremony with a blue evening gown by Jenny Packham. And speaking of the ritual said to be proud of the child: "it was good, we were lucky because it is not always so.
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Kate Middleton, Prince William and Prince George in the official portrait of baptism. And the gift of Auntie Pippa

MOM and dad the shake in her arms. Get the official family portrait: William, Kate and George, the real posing at Clarence House for the official picture of the baptism of Prince George.  
But the aftermath of baptism do not end here. There is the gift from Auntie Pippa, Kate's sister, the Duchess of Cambridge. A silver cast of his hands and feet, complete with custom engraving. It would have cost to the aunt of the future King about 8,200 euros.
 One formal photo released on Saturday
"It's a nice gift or just a little creepy?" asks the Mail online. A rather unusual "gift," the British newspaper, created by London company Wrightson and Platt, who calls it "the perfect thought to preserve precious memories". In order to take the cast of feet and hands it takes about 30 seconds, but it asks the Mail, for sure many Moms know that it is an almost biblical time considering the liveliness typical of a baby in the first few weeks of life. And certainly this task has not been easy even for the little George.
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Charlotte Casiraghi – chose the baby name

Soon the happy event and rumors grow day by day
Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh are preparing to Crown their dream and become a family. The beautiful daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco has done literally unleash gossip thanks to his belly that he never, in fact, hidden to the eyes of prying paparazzi. Childbirth seems imminent.

The whole Principality is preparing and boisterously rumor: there are questions and curiosities about the name and sex of the unborn child that still remain top secret. However there are a few details that suggest a hypothesis. According to the Gossip there are rumors.

Charlotte would in fact confided to some of his intimate friends of wanting to put a male in the world and to give it the name of his dead father in 1990 because of an incident just thirty nautical. Therefore Stephen the name chosen, even for purely emotional reasons.

If you were female, on the other hand, the decision would be even more obvious: it seems that Grace is the most popular name. Under prying eyes of telephoto lenses, Charlotte and Gad are preparing to become parents: another royal baby is coming.
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Charlotte Casiraghi pregnant and beautiful the gala dinner with half the family

Beautiful and elegant like a goddess, all eyes are on the belly of Charlotte Casiraghi. Although his Gad Elmaleh there is not even the shadow ...
Charlotte Casiraghi increasingly pregnant. And increasingly beautiful, if possible. Every public appearance of the daughter of Caroline of Monaco with his prominent belly is an opportunity to showcase elegance and beauty. By vera (almost) Princess.
From France, meanwhile, bounce off the first rumors about the sex of the child of Charlotte Casiragjhi and Gad Elmaleh. The French weekly "Public", writes that Carlos will have a boy. How did they know? It seems that the painters called to rimbiancare the room for pupo, in Paris, they used color ... heavenly.
Charlotte looks as beautiful as a goddess (accomplice that he wears dress) to a charity gala dinner at the Hotel Hermitage Monaco. Next to her, proud, Mother Caroline. And there are even aunt Stephanie and brother Andrea who, after the birth of the son, and the marriage with Tatiana Santo Domingo, was "unbanned" at the Court of Munich, for official occasions, after years of "exile".
Who is the boyfriend of Charlotte, Gad Elmaleh. Some gossips say that is not spinning smoothly and serene. Confirmation, would the rumors that li wanted to marry before the birth of their son. Marriage, it seems, postponed to last, until the baby is born. The fact is, though, that She does not care about the rumors and back to be more beautiful than ever.
Charlotte, a little makeup, sporting her baby bump that cannot hide even under the Greek goddess dress. Elegant as never before ... And mum Caroline appears really smiling and happy. For the new grandchild on the way. And also to have found Andrew, the son who seemed to have lost.
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Miley Cyrus: movie porno

Shock proposal for the star
Could not miss. As a novel, the young Sara Tommasi Miley Cyrus after he shocked everyone with her twerking (i.e. hot and provocative pelvic movement that allude explicitly to sexual acts) and presented in his latest video clip completely naked, has received a shock proposal: cimetarsi with a real porn movie.

To advance the proposal outrageous was the production house Power but would not want the pop star protagonist of the film hard, but Director. "We give you the opportunity to prove to the world once and for all that you are no longer a little girl," reads the letter iniviata the former Hannah Montana from Power "and does not cederai the pressures of Sinead O'Connor, who is jealous of your success."


A signed certificate of appreciation a bit original, in short, that the Power shows the provocative pop star, offering a chance to empower themselves and show himself superior to all "evil" that was getting from coworkers that have repeatedly accused of gratuitous vulgarity and lack of art.

Are not of the same opinion, the manager of Power: "we believe that, as a woman in the 21° century career" continues the letter sent by the production house "you are the perfect choice to show the world your vision as an artist in the world of adult entertainment. Power wants to offer lucrative opportunities to direct a film for adults, with full creative control ".

All for the modest sum of one million dollars ... will accept?
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New scandal Miley: the disease

The statements of doctors
At the center of the music and tabloid news of recent months, this time Miley Cyrus has left all in awe for a "shock" statement released in an exclusive interview on Saturday Night Live.

No sex, drugs and rock 'n roll, but a serious and debilitating illness with which the former singer Hannah Montana would have joked, until literally shock doctors.


Host of the popular American show, the singer would have stated to be prey to mini stroke when play to pull off the tongue (' I get the mini stroke ') sparking the ire of pundits who for years struggling and do research to cure disease and-especially-alleviate the suffering of those who are really suffering.

Miley Cyrus is not really, but suffers, irreverent as ever, he thought it was "funny" ironize the tragedy that affects many people around the world. From A distance, said Patrick Olszowski, head of the Association's campaigns against stroke in Britain: ' having a mini-stroke is not a thing to laugh '

The singer's career, meanwhile, continues a gonfie vele and in recent months, reached records on record: it is the number one on Spotify, YouTube, Billboard Hot 100, and finished in first place on iTunes in 60 countries; has sold more than 6 million copies with the first two singles released from the album, Wrecking Ball and We can't Stop; last June, the video for "We can't Stop" has broken the record for VEVO to the greatest number of views in the first 24 hours (10.7 million), and in just 37 days became the music that reached 100 faster million views (and its "Certified" status) on the platform; both of these records have since been broken from the video of "Wrecking Ball", submitted on 9 September, in the first 24 hours has totaled 19.3 million views, and has achieved the status "Certified" in just 6 days. He achieved several times Platinum and has sold over 12 million albums and 20 million individual us only.

Well, apparently, the tabloid approach pays ...
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Britney Spears and Paris Hilton hot, you challenge with riding crops and necklines

What happens when two "Kings and Queens" churn out around the same time a new single musical? It's just the challenge of lingerie and riding crops between Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
 Britney Spears e Paris Hilton hot, è sfida a colpi di frustini e scollature.
What happens when two "Kings and Queens" churn out around the same time a new single musical? In this case we are talking about the former lolita of pop Britney Spears who has recently launched "Work Bitch" and Paris Hilton, prezzemolina that having dedicated to fashion, will debut on iTunes on October 8 with the song "Good Time", a Duet with Lil Wayne. What the two have in common? Perhaps nothing or everything. For Spears it's a comeback from top erotic content and for the duration of the video she is seen dancing in lingerie fetish, whipping some dancers on the sit and dance sensually leaning against a wall, illuminated by the headlights of a car, dressed in nothing and high boots. Vaguely dark atmospheres and marked by a certain aftertaste bondage for Spears that seems at ease, dancing without overdoing it and winking to the camera like only the former pop lolita does.
"The worthy rival to Britney Spears, Paris Hilton" – on the other hand, seems to have found a worthy rival, whose flirting for the camera back at some sex tape that went around the world in a few hours and who knows if those featured in the video for the single "Good Time" do not take off the sales: the heiress Paris Hilton made her debut in the music clip showing in bikini, r with a few inches of cloth and moving sinuously as a sensual snake in front of the camera, showing perfect line of his B side, much loved by customers.
Who will win the challenge hot between the two? The vocal performance is not one of the data that we want to emphasize here, but who knows that the former pop lolita is outclassed by little voice and sensual "elegance" of "Rich Girl".
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The heart of Barbara Berlusconi beats for Lucan

Scoop that reveals the origins of Lorenzo warriors, grandson of an immigrant. The new flame of Barbara Berlusconi looks like Pato but is of Calvello.

Il cuore di Barbara Berlusconi  batte per un lucano
There is a link for a few months between Arcore and Calvello. To discover and reveal what it is binding in its latest edition visible from today on her Facebook page, with other details of the story, which we anticipate the essential: the new love of Barbara Berlusconi (B.B. italiana ...), Lorenzo warriors, has its origins in Basilicata, Calvello, from where his grandfather left toward Lombardy in search of Fortune, followed by his father Franco, who today at Monza is the holder of a real estate agency.
Lorenzo has replaced Pato, now distant, in the heart of Barbara. The Brazilian footballer most resembles so much except that he doesn't play football: investigates and makes the waiter at the restaurant-enoteca Il Mulino, Monza, B.B. and Pato were attending at the time of their affair, and it is precisely there that the two new Chandra met.In Calvello mouths sewn officially, but confidentially there who confesses to remember when at certain times of the year the Warriors, Lorenzo family including, returning in the country like many others emigrated elsewhere, lucani although few years seems to have more visas from those parts.

The urge to now see them stroll unconfessed and stop maybe on stone bridge over the River, prompting the genuine curiosity of the townspeople is great.Who knows if Lorenzo, in search for a few days of intimacy and privacy, rather than going to one of the many available properties by Barbara, around the world, decides to try to convince his wife to visit the country of its origin, in Basilicata, and maybe do it as well.

And then, on the other hand, if it's already happened with Francis Ford Coppola and his daughter for cinema lovers, why not think in favor of lovers of gossip and "fotoricordoconpersonaggioillustre" perhaps with autograph and dedication, that Calvello can like Bernalda new reborn reputation? Of course, Barbara Berlusconi is neither Francis Ford Coppola nor his daughter Sofia, for heaven's sake, it is not a great artist, but ultimately the film shot by two lucano-Americans also distributes the family business!
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Anna Abramovich with a 4 million pounds

Anna Abramovich has avoided many of his father's estates in favor of a House from 4 million pounds. The young daughter of Mr. Roman, owner of Chelsea Football Club, four mega-and several buildings around the world, he could get a better deal, buying a mega villa or going to live in one of the luxurious mansions of the father's wallet.

Anna AbramovichBut the 19-year-old preferred to begin his adult life in a much more "modest", although the quotes are mandatory. His apartment with three bedrooms, situated close to the imposing building in Belgravia, London.

The young descendant decided to customize the new home from top to bottom: "it's my little piece of paradise. I feel more adult and can't wait to host all my friends in its spaces, small and cozy, which I like. My mom and my sisters are along the way. I always want to stay close to my family, I don't want to live to more than 20 minutes away from them ".

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Charlotte Casiraghi pregnant explodes in beauty

The daughter of Caroline of Monaco is now at maturity. And trade show displays her big belly. That makes it even more beautiful and elegant, if possible
Charlotte Casiraghi pregnant reveals its increasingly prominent belly. That almost ... "explodes". And also the beauty of the daughter of Caroline of Monaco, waiting for the son who has donated the boyfriend Gad Elmaleh, explodes with a flourish.
Charlotte Casiraghi (which many already liken to Grace Kelly) he returned to Paris, to return his love Gad Elamleh. He there is: is engaged around the world on movie sets. So, she is accompanied by two friends. Is busy with your suitcase, check-in, the chatter ... And reveals its beauty that pregnancy made it even more special, if possible.
The rumors about the upcoming wedding between Charlotte and Gad. in fact, everything is back to keep quiet on that front. best: from the Principality of Monaco exudes the indiscretion that the wedding will be, but only after the birth of the heir, the new grandson of Caroline of Monaco.
However, Charlotte Casiraghi trade show displays her big belly. By now it's almost deadline. It only remains to wait for the good news. The official that has always distinguished the communications of Grimaldi.
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